Courses Taught
Teaching and learning with digital tools
Teacher education course that focuses on the use of digital technologies for teaching and learning. Major topics covered include theories and research underlying the effective use of technology in the classroom, software applications and digital resources for teaching, learning, and assessment; gamification through tech tools and video games in education; creating with technology; participating in online professional networks; ethical, legal and safe ways of using ICT.
Instructional design and development: blended learning environments
Education MA course to address the fundamentals of educational technology including the integration of instructional design, media, computers and related technologies within various educational contexts. Students get familiarised with a wide range of educational technologies, explore and evaluate how, when, and why technology could be used in education, learn how to utilise various technologies as powerful teaching and planning tools, and design meaningful learning experiences meeting learners’ diverse needs.
Game-based learning and technology
The course is designed to assist education MA students to develop an understanding of the potential of games and gaming for learning. Students explore trends in game design, cultures, and genres in the context of both educational and commercial games as well as examine the educational value of gaming with particular focus on learners' pedagogical, curricular, and individual needs.
Research on educational technology
Education MA course to develop students’ research-related competences and familiarise them with current trends in educational technology research.
Fostering creativity in the classroom
The course seeks to aid in-service teachers to form a better understanding of what creativity means in education and design learning activities to promote students’ creativity more efficiently in the classroom.
Academic Writing
MA course to provide psychology and education students an introduction to the key principles of effective and efficient academic writing.